Anna Oskina

NLP Data Scientist


Guest contributor for Japanese Study in The Digital Orientalist

Specialized in

Japanese study, Digital Humanities

Research interests

NLP, Japanese text mining, data analysis, TF-IDF, topic modeling, stylometry, network analysis, text encoding initiative (TEI), Japanese literature, book history


  • Python (MeCab, fugashi, UniDic, NLTK, numpy, matplotlib, scikit-learn)
  • R (tidyverse: ggplot2, tibble, tidyr, dplyr, lubridate, tidytext, leaflet)


2019-2022 MA, Digital Humanities, National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’, Moscow, Russia.

2006-2011 Specialist degree, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia.

Workshops and scholarships

June 2022 “Japanese Language Text Mining”, Digital Humanities Methods for Japanese Studies, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA.

February 2019 EAJRS/NIJL Kuzushi-ji Workshop 2019, Collège de France, Paris, France.

August 2018 Fifth Graduate Summer School in Japanese Early-modern Palaeography, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, UK.

2009-2010 Monbukagakusho student at Chiba Univesrity, Chiba, Japan.


2022-now Guest contributor for Japanese Study in The Digital Orientalist (remote, part-time)

2011-2022 Lecturer at National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’, Moscow, Russia.


  • Contemporary Japanese
  • Classical Japanese
  • Japanese literature


2019 Best Teacher - 2019, HSE University, Moscow.

Recent conferences

2022 23th Annual Conference “History and Culture of Japan” (Moscow). Presentation: Semantic Analysis of Loanwords Graphics in Fiction of the Meiji-Taisho Periods.

2022 EADH2021 (Krasnoyarsk). Presentation: Parents and Children in Russian Drama.

2019 21th Annual Conference “History and Culture of Japan” (Moscow). Presentation: Travel notes of the Nun Abutsu: connection with the literary tradition.

2018 20th Annual Conference “History and Culture of Japan” (Moscow). Presentation: The History of the Reizei Family Library.

2017 19th Annual Conference “History and Culture of Japan” (Moscow). Presentation: Education with a book in the Edo Period based on “Ehon Hanakazura” (1765).